Healing can happen.
My podcast can help.
Listen Now to the Whole Body Upgrade Podcast
Every year, more and more women watch their health and vitality slip away.
Today, so many women are overwhelmed by chronic health problems. It doesn’t have to be this way.
In the Whole Body Upgrade podcast, I help women struggling with emotional or medical issues that aren’t responding to traditional medical treatment.
I use ancient practices with modern day wisdom, to help people spiritually, nutritionally, energetically, and emotionally.
This podcast is about how we can take charge of our well-being and raise our vitality.
It’s a new way of being- and it’s so important right now for all of us to take charge of our own wellness.
The Whole Body Upgrade show supports you in creating good health, so that you can enjoy your life, and becoming more resilient energetically, spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
It’s time for you to upgrade.
Recent Episodes
Same day, less stress
Stress. I hear so many people complaining about it. How many times have you said something like: “I'm so stressed! When I finish this project, THEN I’ll be able to relax.” or “When he stops telling me what to do, THEN I’ll feel better.” So often we think stress...
Steps to Surrender
Sometimes things are rough. The end of the semester and the end of the academic year always end up throwing me off center, and this year is no different. Only 4 weeks remain before the close of the school year and everyone seems to need something. Now! Enter...
For the Love of a Fish
Last week, I attended a mindfulness retreat at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. After 3 days of mindfulness, meditation, coaching, sending loving kindness into the world, holding compassionate space for others, and discussions of helping and healing others, I fell...
Inspired by a missing blog
Today, I started writing about my word of the year. I wrote about how INTEGRATION is my word of the year for 2016, how I had mistakenly believed in 2015 that life was either *this* or *that*, and how things had changed for me. Now I wanted to go forward seeing all of...
Five steps to success in the new year
Happy New Year! With the beginning of the new year, I've heard a lot of talk about wanting success in 2016! Most people set resolutions, but there is a different way. Here are five steps to success in the new year. Step 1- Define Success...
Feeling overwhelmed? Try this.
I was standing at my computer (I love my standing desk!) and felt a wave of overwhelm crash over me. The pressure was mounting from the list of To Dos, deadlines coming from multiple directions (including my own mind), and the sensations in my body started to...
The Magic of Clarity
There has been a big shift going on around here. It may not look like much on the outside, but on the inside it feels huge. I feel settled, calm with the unknown. and while that may not seem like much it's been causing ripple effects in my life. Magic is happening....
How to Find Balance
How many times have you wished for balance in your life? I used to ask, no pray, for balance. "Please just help me feel more balanced" or "If I could just get a little more balance in my life!" What I didn't realize is that my perception of balance was all wrong....
Are you on the right path?
Earlier this fall, I went hiking on part of the Appalachian Trail with a two good friends. We wanted to spend time together, be in nature, and be a part of something that was bigger than just us. And despite 2 days of rain and chilly weather, we hiked, talked, and...
4 Reasons Why Gratitude Works
What if a powerful happy drug was available to you at a moments notice, was free, and could be used day or night? What if I told you we don't have to wait for the future?! It is here now, only it isn't a drug. This miracle cure I'm referring to is gratitude. We all...
Take Your Next Step
Get my book “Whole Body Upgrade” to discover the complete framework for addressing all five wellness bodies—physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual.
Learn how to create lasting change through small, sustainable shifts.