The Magic of Clarity

The Magic of Clarity

There has been a big shift going on around here. It may not look like much on the outside, but on the inside it feels huge. I feel settled, calm with the unknown. and while that may not seem like much it’s been causing ripple effects in my life. Magic is...
How to Find Balance

How to Find Balance

How many times have you wished for balance in your life? I used to ask, no pray, for balance. “Please just help me feel more balanced” or “If I could just get a little more balance in my life!” What I didn’t realize is that my perception...
Are you on the right path?

Are you on the right path?

Earlier this fall, I went hiking on part of the Appalachian Trail with a two good friends. We wanted to spend time together, be in nature, and be a part of something that was bigger than just us. And despite 2 days of rain and chilly weather, we hiked, talked, and...

4 Reasons Why Gratitude Works

What if a powerful happy drug was available to you at a moments notice, was free, and could be used day or night? What if I told you we don’t have to wait for the future?! It is here now, only it isn’t a drug. This miracle cure I’m referring to is...

Not feeling heard? Try this.

Ever feel like nobody is listening to you? That what you say doesn’t matter? Or that you want to tell someone something but it doesn’t feel safe?   You are the answer. Have I got a tool for you! You always have someone who is willing to listen without...

Easy ways to add meditation to your day

Last week, I was feeling a strong pull to add more meditation into my day, and the lizard starts its familiar conversation. “I don’t have time ! I want to meditate more, but I can barely get everything done as it is.”   Then I remembered a...