Bridging Two Worlds

Recently I was interviewed by a continuing education company regarding one of my research articles on yogic breathing as an attention treatment after stroke. There I was, talking to another professor and I said the words “energy” and “prana.”...

Clear the Fear- 8 steps to Freedom

As you may know, I’m finishing Martha Beck Life Coach Training. We had a training call schedule with Martha Beck for one of the classes and I innocently submitted a question. See, I’ve always tried to be a ‘good student’ and submit questions....

Is *perfect* the new normal?

When did perfect become the new normal? One day, I was walking down the street, and it really struck me.  I noticed the lawn care companies working on flawless lawns, in front of picture perfect houses.  I stopped and really looked  at the scene of perfection. That...

Joy Challenge: 21 day Wrap up

Last month, I completed a 21-day Joy Challenge. Each day the intension was to complete the following tasks (and to live in joy of course!): 1) Find 3 gratitudes each day 2) Journal about 1 positive experience from the last 24 hours 3) Continue an exercise routine...

Joy Challenge: Week 1

I was waiting with my youngest son (Bear) and watching him drift off to sleep. His eyes were heavy, his breathe slowing, his body relaxing. I looked up at the ceiling fan and watched the slow rhythm and felt the gentle breeze. And there it was– joy. It was...