You Are Your Own Expert: Ep 81

Written by Rebecca Marshall

March 15, 2022

Hello and welcome back to Whole Body Upgrade. I’m so grateful you are here with me. I’ve been very excited preparing the Whole Body Upgrade course and the Burnout Recovery Workshop for the last few weeks, and it’s very exciting. If you would like to join me, the Burnout Recovery workshop is Monday 3/21 at 12 eastern time. This is a free workshop for anyone in my community- if you are on my email list, you will get the link.  This workshop is to give you the experience of having a wee bit of relief from burnout. I want everyone to walk away, having learned something by DOING some of the evidence-based practices and the practices that worked for me. It is also an introduction to the Whole Body Upgrade course that will begin April 1st. If you are feeling stuck, exhausted, burned out, having migraines or digestive issues, this 8 week course is the healing container you need to change your life. I’ve taught this course several times and it’s always amazing to watch people change in that short period of time. They stop having chronic pain and feeling stuck, and start having more energy, clarity, a better mood, – they over all feel better. It’s so fun to watch them step into being the expert of their own wellness journey. 


And that’s what I want to talk to you more about today. That you are your own expert. In my own experience of my health and wellness, I spent so much of my life listening to others regarding what was going on in my own mental, emotional, energetic, and physical bodies. I went to the “experts” who would know what was wrong, and often I was told it was nothing I needed to worry about. And years later, I would find out that they were in fact wrong. 


We give away so much of who we are to others- we watch advertising and think that what they are saying is true, even though it often isn’t. We hear from (some) doctors that whatever we are experiencing is all in our heads. Teachers tell us we should sit still or learn a certain way, even if our bodies were not meant for that. The messages are presented over and over again that we should not trust ourselves and that someone else is the expert. 


What I’ve learned over the years (and still practicing) for myself, is how to undo that external looking to others for the answer. I’ve learned to turn and listen to my body, my breath, and LIFE. It’s turning to myself as the expert. I gather information from others, yes. I educate myself and learn. AND I still sit in the seat as the expert of what I will decide to do. 


I practiced this in so many different ways in life- raising my children, and what I eat, how I take care of my body, what I wear, and how I define wellness and success. I gather information to find what resonates for me. There are times I forget, and usually, it doesn’t end up well. Listening to myself is a practice, and it builds a strong relationship with myself. And this is one of the most important things I have in my life. 


Let me tell you a story about being your own expert from my son. Every year for holidays or birthdays he asked for money- we were always a bit bewildered by this because it was different. He saved his money from allowance or extra work he did. Every once in a while he would count it. It kept adding up. This year, when he counted it it was a very large sum of money and he announced that he was going to buy a gaming computer and showed me which one he wanted. My 11 year old son just bought himself a very expensive gaming computer, using that money that he saved little by little. He didn’t know he was going to buy a computer. But every quarter or dollar was placed in his wallet until he reached the tipping point of having enough and knowing what he wanted. 


Your expertness is like this- each time you trust yourself, listen to your body, and ask your own inner wisdom, it’s like putting that quarter or dollar, or 20 dollar bill in the bank account. You may not know what you need it for, but it’s practicing the skill of trusting yourself. There will be a time that you will use that reserve for something big that you need to trust your own expertness. It might be big like leaving a job or a marriage, or it might be something small like how you want to move your own body. A little listening is where we build trust and how we become our own experts. 


When I work with my clients either in my 1:1 sessions, or in the Whole Body Upgrade Course, this is exactly what I want them to walk away with. I want them to gather the information, be educated, and have experiences that are supportive of them stepping into that expert role. They are already the expert, sometimes it just takes me to hold the space for them so they can see how they are already the expert in their own lives. 


I’d like to invite you to join me in the Whole Body Upgrade course that opens March 25th! It’s a small group, 8 week course that is only $333. The first live call will be April 1st and I’ll be there with you the entire course. I want to empower as many women as I can to trust who they are and what they do EACH DAY. This is how we will change the world, and well, smash the patriarchy too. 


So get on my email list, I’ll put the link here and join me for the free Burnout recovery workshop on 3/21. It will be the perfect kick off to the Whole Body Upgrade course. 


Ok dear ones, thank you for being here today. Keep being your own expert, and taking care of yourself. I’ll talk to you next time.

Learn more about working with me on Facebook or Instagram.












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