Welcome friends- it’s such an honor to be with you here today. How are you? It’s full swing of summer here and when this is posted, I’m actually going to be on vacation. Whew! After a year of being close to home or taking shorter trips we are finally going to see family. I’m thrilled! I’m also super excited about the Centered Wellness Training…the early bird price is still available for another week- All you have to do is submit an application by the 20th, and I’ll put the link in the show notes. If you decide to do the program you’ll receive the early bird rate. There is also a one partial scholarship available for a Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color. As of the time I’m recording this, I’m still accepting applications for the program. Please don’t wait- I don’t want you to miss out on this deep training with a small group of folks. I’ll post the link with the show notes.
So let’s talk about the final part in the series- and this week is all about integration, and really this and how this is really a dynamic and holistic way of approaching how we live in this world. I’ve been talking about some of the different wellness bodies; energetic, physical, and spiritual and trying to demonstrate how all of the wellness bodies influence the other wellness bodies.
To be honest, this is the most important part of the Centered Wellness Framework. It’s not one particular component or another, it’s using them all together in an integrated fashion that makes the difference in determining the root cause, as well as treating the root cause. If we ignore even just one wellness body, it can muck up the whole system! So your clients may be working on mental and emotional wellness with you, but if they are not addressing their physical, energetic, or spiritual bodies, the progress is slowed.
The process is one that is dynamic. Knowing first what the client wants at the end of the time together is going to be crucial. I receive so much information but it may not be where they want to go and that is really important with working with clients.
So I begin by gathering information from the client on where they feel stuck, listening to the words they provide, while feeling into the energy of not only what they are saying, but also what the guides are telling or showing you. When you are looking for the root of the problem, asking a few simple questions may give valuable insight into what needs to change in their career, relationships, or health. As I’m asking questions of the client, I’m also asking questions of my guides. Is food the problem? No. Do I need to ask more about their current relationship? Yes. I use all of my senses to get to the underlying layer for each client. The framework of the 5 wellness bodies is always the same, but it isn’t a static checklist. It’s a dynamic and holistic way of showing up with each person with deep compassion.
This dynamic dance happens as you ask questions, open to the information, and use your body as the receiver. All the information is available as I listen deeply. Mindfulness, intuitive work, and shamanic practice allow me to show up fully, wholly and completely. The integration is like swimming with all of these practices in a beautiful ocean of knowledge. Each one drops in and is available all around me, because I am an open vessel.
As I listen, I also speak with the clients. It’s a beautiful dance of feeling it in the body, taking a step forward, and then maybe a step back and being fully present for it all. We may go to the seed moment that caused a belief and clear the seed moment, while creating new thoughts that work together. Each step reveals new information, an unveiling of a different layer as the root cause is revealed.
It’s all of who the client is: the physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual all integrated to get the client unstuck with ease. It feels like magic, and what it really is is full presence to all the wellness bodies. And I’m not special. Anyone can learn how to do this integrative process- and I want to teach you how.
And here’s the deal. When you work with clients and THEY learn this framework, you are empowering them. When they know the 5 wellness bodies, they don’t have to stay stuck. They can help themselves. They feel better and take action in their lives. They see the world differently and they don’t give away their power to an external force. When something is off with their health, they look at the 5 wellness bodies. If something is off with their business or job, they look at the 5 wellness bodies. If their kids are running through the house like cats on catnips after a long nap, they can look at the 5 wellness bodies! It’s not just a framework for you as a coach or healter, it’s a framework for your clients and their lives.
Could your clients go to all of the different healers? Yes AND it won’t be as powerful as it will be if it is all integrated in one place. With you.
Ok my sweet friends. That’s how the Centered Wellness Framework is based on the integration of these different wellness bodies and why it is important. This framework is such a beautiful fit with the coaching skills you have already learned and it will empower your clients in a way that you’ve never seen before. These different skills aren’t traditionally a part of coach training and it will help your clients get unstuck with ease, empower them, AND boost your practice. Take good care of yourself.