Every year about this time, I try to do something fun to raise money for my favorite charity. Why? Well, September is my birth month and Living Compassion typically holds the Annual Golden Gate Bridge Walk. In the past those have both been good reasons to throw a party and ask all my friends to donate :).
This year, I thought I would change it up a bit and create a product that might actually help others who were purchasing. I’m super excited about it because it is for those who are dealing with food allergies and want/need to start an elimination diet. I blogged about the how’s and why’s of an elimination diet on my old blog and wanted to be able to offer ideas and support to people like me. Years ago, I spent hours (days, weeks?!) searching cookbooks, websites, and blogs to find a few recipes that I *still* had to modify. What if I would have had this resource back then? I would have kissed the creator…or at least sent them a thank you email.

Recipe Booklet
While you don’t have to kiss me or send me an email, it still might be just the thing you need. AND the great news is that this little recipe booklet also helps children in Africa. Cool! 100% of the money goes to the African Vulnerable Children Project through Living Compassion. Totally a win-win!
Check out the description here and leave me a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.
In Peace and Nutrition,