Looking for peace?

Written by Rebecca Marshall

September 7, 2014

Are you wishing for peace?

Or maybe you are wishing for not feeling so tired/angry/sad/frustrated? Lately I seem to hear from friends that there is this overwhelming dissatisfaction with life.  A dissatisfaction that doesn’t seem to come from one thing in particular, but simply a general BLAH with life.

Are you looking for a little more peace, a little more space between the overwhelm, chaos and busyness?


Martha Beck, PhD and Lissa Rankin, MD are offering a free call about peace TOMORROW (September 8th) from 3-4:30pm ET!  Another one of those fun things I’m already signed up for because it is FREE and I love both of these amazing teachers and who couldn’t use a little more peace? Want to know more? Take a look at Martha’s free teleclass. I’ll be there!

You’ll know this teleclass is the right fit to soothe your soul if:

  • You know your life is more than your “to-do” list, but you’re not sure how to let that list go
  • You’re interested in how your inner peace might affect the health and healing of the planet
  • You’d love to learn tools for how to experience more stillness and joy in everyday life
  • You’re sick and tired of always feeling sick and tired
  • You’re suffering from fear, anxiety, or depression and you’re craving relief at a soul level
  • You know you’re being called to some sort of spiritual service, and you sense that peace is the prescription to prepare you for this service
  • You feel like you’re all alone, like you haven’t quite found the right tribe of like-minded seekers in your neck of the woods
  • You sense that everything falling apart but there’s a rightness to the change, if only you can stay in a state of peace

Register for the free class here. I’m so excited to hear what Martha and Lissa have to say!

Have you been experiencing a dissatisfaction with your life? How do you find your core of peace, your place of center? Let me know below!

Looking forward to connecting with you soon.

In Peace,

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