New Website!

Written by Rebecca Marshall

July 18, 2014


Hello and Welcome!

Here we are on my shiny *new* website. Amazing.

I’m thrilled to have a new place to share information with folks…a real web site that is a step forward towards my business that I’ve been dreaming and scheming about (and building) for months. And now, through the magic of the internet, help from my sweet husband and a few friends….ta-da!! is really here. Wow.

I’m very excited about sending this off into the world and hope that you’ll join me as I step into this next phase of my life. You can learn more about my wellness journey on my “All About Me” page or find our more about how we can work together on my offerings page. Of course there is a place to contact me!

While May was completing Integral Yoga Intermediate Teacher training and preparing this beautiful website, June was a full of fun….I completed a comprehensive holistic language program for a client with aphasia and began life coach training and certification. I’m very excited for new beginnings and this new learning opportunity. I am already learning so much and excited to share it with you! Stay tuned for more about the mind-body connections I’m learning/observing/using with my clients. The connection of the emotion and the body is fascinating and I’m very excited that my new website will be a resource for people who have questions about living a joyous, centered, and healthy life. If you’d like to subscribe to my newsletter click here, I’ll hook you up with a free gift of a 10 minute Mindfulness Meditation mp3. Who-hoo!

Tell me what your interested in learning? What do you want to know about living a life of wellness and joy?

Leave your comments below…I hope to hear from you soon!

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