The Secret to Happiness

The Secret to Happiness

I have the secret to happiness. And it is just one simple thing. Although it is simple, it isn’t always easy and most people aren’t taught this in school or even at home. What is it? Self-love. Well ok, two. Self-love and self-compassion (but really they...

From Funk to Freedom

My Deep Funk In the past, summer was hard for me. I think it had something to do with a change in routine and a less strict schedule (something I always thought I wanted). Or maybe it’s the heat in the south. Or the inevitable comparison of all...

The Wink

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the light within me/us/everyone, and about what Tosha Silver writes in “Outrageous Openness” (which is fabulous) regarding surrender to the divine. When things are tough, or when you are indecisive or just plain...

Nice is really…not nice.

Nice is really…not nice.  Often, I hear people saying they want to be nice and how important it is to be nice to people. We value being nice in our culture. That is what good people do. We are nice to others. And people who are not nice, well that is not good. I...

Bridging Two Worlds

Recently I was interviewed by a continuing education company regarding one of my research articles on yogic breathing as an attention treatment after stroke. There I was, talking to another professor and I said the words “energy” and “prana.”...