Things are crazy. Life is crazy over here in my neck of the woods and it feels very frenetic. I know i have lots of tools to take care of myself and even then, I struggle. I forget. I pressure myself and push way past the point of where I should.Last night in one of those places, I saw how much I was struggling and I decided to give myself permission to not do a few things. Interestingly I gave my self permission to not record a podcast, and out of that space that I’m recording this episode. So, I want to offer that same space to you today. I figure if I needed to hear it, then you probably do too.
Today I want to give you permission.
I give you permission to rest
I give you permission to take a break
To breathe
To ask for support
To give yourself what you need
I give you permission to walk away
I give you permission to stay
I give you permission to quit
And i give you permission to keep going
I give you permission to take care of yourself
I give you permission to put yourself first
I give you permission to ask for what you need
I give you permission to buy your own flowers
I give you permission to do things differently
I give you permission to say no
I give you permission to take a step in a new direction
I give you permission to set up a boundary
I give you permission to be yourself
I give you permission to be honest
I give you permission to give yourself compassion
I give you permission to love yourself no matter what
I give you permission to have fun
I give you permission to do what you love
I give you permission to laugh
I give you permission to cry
I give you permission to go outside and scream at the sky
I give you permission to see the beauty in all things even if they don’t seem beautiful
I give you permission have a messy house
I give you permission to take it easy on yourself
I give you permission to tell that critical voice in your head that you aren’t listening any more.
I give you permission.